I'm again on a period of sleepless nights. It could be brought by my waking up late during weekends. Anyways, these night have brought about my endless and sometimes crazy thoughts. One of them have been seeing myself as one that goes againsts the flow.
Since high school, I was always going against the grain. When everybody was attending regular music classes, I went and joined the school band. When everybody was doing push-ups in gym, I went out camping. When everybody took all available c0llege entrance exams they could take, I took only 4 exams.
This did not change in college. While everybody was enjoying new found friendships during our freshmen year, I find myself running at the other end of the campus for a stint at the Cultural Arts Office as a student staff and creating a vast network of contacts. When everybody was taking ROTC, I found myself excempted from it!
I guess old dogs can't be taught new tricks. After college, when everybody was grabbing high paying IT jobs in Ayala, I decided to fly to NY. Found myself in a teaching position. Now that everybody is in front of the computer doing their codes and programming. I find myself doing totally the opposite.
I'm learning to enjoy my being different. I'm a unique individual. Unique just like everybody else! Lol!