A little bit of retrospection before the New Year unfolds. Some mundane, some amusing, some totally personal.
1, I can almost eat anything except soy pepperoni. Growing up, vegetables and I were not really good buddies. But this year, I come to realize that I'll eat okra, eggplants even ampalaya (bitter melon). Balut anyone?
2. I can learn a new sport / hobby. I have been playing on a Monday night pool league at the Lower East Side. Since high school and college, my only pool technique employed was to strike the balls as hard as I could and hope to make a pocket. Now, I have learned that to win a game takes time and sometimes a soft touch. Last season, I won 3 games. This season I have won 2.
3. That I have been pronouncing "relocate" wrong. I have been using the short e as in pet instead of the long e as in bee.
4. I had very bad taste in clothes. As Marianne sorts through my over flowing closet, we came across shirts (that I actually wore to work at some point!) that begs to ask the question, "Was I drunk when I bought it (and wore it to work)?"
5. I discovered that my faith is my own. I didn't need to have a teacher tell me to go to church during holy days of obligations nor have a grandmother (which I thank her dearly for doing it) force me to go to Sunday mass.
6. That life is full of surprises if you just take that plunge without hesitation. Love you my ube.
7. That Google Maps can be wrong. This I found out with Marianne, Angela, Basil and Petey during our Las Vegas to Grand Canyon drive, instead of the South Rim destination, Google Maps pointed us at the North Rim. Took us almost 8 hours instead of the 3.5 hours. Next time use a GPS.
8. I am really a light weight. I can drink 2 glasses of wine or maybe around 3 bottles of beers in one night, after that I wouldn't know what will happen. I think I can drink more if I space it out to a bottle every 45 minutes with food, I mean I did drink at Moose's Bar back in 2005 from 10PM to 4AM with my Vegas cousins, they just had to feed me good food while we were at it.
9. I am a pack rat. I have been in denial for the past few years. This year, I am now a self-confessed pack rat which I aim to remedy ASAP. This will start with digital files on two hard drives that I have not access in months to a box full of cables that I have kept from old gadgets hoping that one day they'll find some use.
10. That I am green. I refuse plastic bags in stores. I started (without it being official) of converting files at the office into PDF format for archiving. I even bring my own bag to the groceries now.