Friday, December 26, 2008

Things I Discovered in 2008

A little bit of retrospection before the New Year unfolds. Some mundane, some amusing, some totally personal.
1, I can almost eat anything except soy pepperoni. Growing up, vegetables and I were not really good buddies. But this year, I come to realize that I'll eat okra, eggplants even ampalaya (bitter melon). Balut anyone?

2. I can learn a new sport / hobby. I have been playing on a Monday night pool league at the Lower East Side. Since high school and college, my only pool technique employed was to strike the balls as hard as I could and hope to make a pocket. Now, I have learned that to win a game takes time and sometimes a soft touch. Last season, I won 3 games. This season I have won 2.

3. That I have been pronouncing "relocate" wrong. I have been using the short e as in pet instead of the long e as in bee.

4. I had very bad taste in clothes. As Marianne sorts through my over flowing closet, we came across shirts (that I actually wore to work at some point!) that begs to ask the question, "Was I drunk when I bought it (and wore it to work)?"

5. I discovered that my faith is my own. I didn't need to have a teacher tell me to go to church during holy days of obligations nor have a grandmother (which I thank her dearly for doing it) force me to go to Sunday mass.

6. That life is full of surprises if you just take that plunge without hesitation. Love you my ube.

7. That Google Maps can be wrong. This I found out with Marianne, Angela, Basil and Petey during our Las Vegas to Grand Canyon drive, instead of the South Rim destination, Google Maps pointed us at the North Rim. Took us almost 8 hours instead of the 3.5 hours. Next time use a GPS.

8. I am really a light weight. I can drink 2 glasses of wine or maybe around 3 bottles of beers in one night, after that I wouldn't know what will happen. I think I can drink more if I space it out to a bottle every 45 minutes with food, I mean I did drink at Moose's Bar back in 2005 from 10PM to 4AM with my Vegas cousins, they just had to feed me good food while we were at it.

9. I am a pack rat. I have been in denial for the past few years. This year, I am now a self-confessed pack rat which I aim to remedy ASAP. This will start with digital files on two hard drives that I have not access in months to a box full of cables that I have kept from old gadgets hoping that one day they'll find some use.

10. That I am green. I refuse plastic bags in stores. I started (without it being official) of converting files at the office into PDF format for archiving. I even bring my own bag to the groceries now.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Office

Over the past weeks, I was busy moving offices and transitioning to my new position at another Department. One of the good things about moving offices is that you get to clean out and purge files and things that you just simply accumulated over the years. I still have files and thing-a-majigs lying around until I find them a spot in the new digs. It's a small office but gives me just enough privacy and a good view of downtown NY.

My clean desk (based on my standards!)

View from my window. Yes, I know, Doritos are not meant to be filed but eaten.

View of downtown NY.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Philosophy Works

The past few months, I feel that my brain is not being utilized to the fullest. Mundane tasks of filing and scanning documents. Practical Philosophy hopefully will stimulate those stagnant neurons.

Platos, here I go!

Jonathan L. Ong
sent via mobile device

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Moving Forward

Growing up, the start of the new school year signals a new beginning in my academic life. Every start of the year I would always tell myself that this year I'm going to study harder, focus more on Math, or even try out for new things outside of the academic realm.

Now that I am older and out of school, it's hard to get that permission to start anew. However, as September rolls along it reminded me on how we should think of new chapters to face in life.

I am working on new journeys to take and I ask for everyone's prayer and support.
Jonathan L. Ong
sent via mobile device

Friday, August 22, 2008

Celebrity Sighting

After dinner at Django, we made our way to the subway. Marianne points out, why is it that some event happens in New York and we don't know about it while gazing over a restaurant front flooded with lights. With my trusty old camera, we made our way to the lights and guess who we found, Andy Roddick.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Friday, August 08, 2008

Just Like Funnel Cake

Last night over dinner at a friend's house in Astoria, he asked how he can tell someone that he just don't like that person.

It's a strong statement especially coming from him. But another friend has put it in a good perspective. You ask yourself the question, what would the consequence be with this action? What do you expect out of this confrontation?

She ended her short rhetoric with, maybe instead of 'not' liking that person you try to always look at the positives. Maybe he is devout to his faith. Maybe he is genuinely kind. Maybe he is outgoing.

Just like funnel cake, we know it's full of sugar and bad cholesterol, but if we just look at its great factors, it just makes a day in the beach better!

Jonathan L. Ong
sent via mobile device

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Blah Day

Today is a blah day... don't know what;s bugging me... don't know what I should be thinking... it could be work related (since we are closing down our department effective tomorrow!)... but don't worry... I still got a job... it could be the stress of being socially active... as for now, I need to just want this feeling to go away...

I need some quiet time... maybe all I need is an ice cream now and quiet time in church...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Open 24 Hours

I have been reviewing my calendar for the past few months, mostly its work stuff that I document. I realized that I have not written down most of my other happenings that it took place, e.g. Dinner with friends, movie nights at home while vegging out... You know, more important stuff.

I say this because life is not your 9 to 5 work, its a 24-hour on going cycle that will hopefully with God's presence bring you closer to that ultimate goal. Sometimes we stress too much about work after work hours that it consumes you and eventually makes you sick.

I am happy that I would get the chance to go on a retreat next weekend and be able to set time for myself. We all need these kind of retreats once in a while, be it an hour of coffee time with yourself or a weekend in the woods.

Btw, if you are interested on this coming retreat, be sure to sign up fast. It's just $50! It is more expensive to stay home with this price! Visit for a glimps of what is to come.

Jonathan L. Ong
sent via mobile device

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sunday Around NY

Mare and I decided to have sunday to ourselves. After all, we have been pulled in all directions for the past few weeks.

After church in Queens, we headed to Manhattan for a street fair below Houston Street. Before then, we have already decided that we were going to enjoy ourselves, and since Mare is paying, we tasted food at the fair to our tummy's content. Chicken gyro, Italian sausage, chocolate covered marshmallows and fruit cups. After traversing the entire fair we decided to take the 6 train to Brooklyn for some shopping.

The shopping plan was thrown out the window when I saw the N Train connection. We then decided to make it a Coney Island afternoon. The boardwalk was packed as we made it towards the aquarium. It was small but had quite a few nice exhibits.

It was a long day. However, I had to make sure we ended our sunday with a nice dinner. Because exactly 7:30pm that day last year, we first introduced ourselves to each other at the retreat. We ended the night with a toast and with hopes and prayers for a more fun and exciting year ahead of us.

Jonathan L. Ong

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Pool League

I recently became one of Parkside's Finest Pool League Team member.

Christina, who is in Mare's Tuesday night team, created a Monday division group for Parkside Lounge. This is the first time that Parkside is hosting its second team for the league.

We all know that I am not even close to a good pool player, but the team is very encouraging and have been coaching me along the way. From the basics of the game to the APA rules.

Right now, its baby steps for me. From learning to rack the balls properly, winning a lag and marking your pocket. Next step is to win atleast a round!

Jonathan L. Ong
sent via mobile device

Monday, July 14, 2008

Adventures Around the World

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement, from the two-week vacation in the Philippines, to the Las Vegas trip and everything in between. While waiting for pool night, I get a time for myself.

Since May, weekends have been held hostage by a barrage of "must attend" and "need to be there" events. The great San Francisco trip kicked off the series of fun and tiring weekends. Thanks to Arman and Alnie for being such gracious hosts. Really enjoyed the 8 mile bike across the bridge, I'll do it in a heart beat!

The following weekend saw a 10 hour drive to Ohio for Mare's cousin's wedding. It was a fun experience. I was able to attend a Byzantine Catholic Church service (which I found out later that I can't receive communion however, due to affiliation with the Shevatz (Mare's mom side), I was ok'ed). The drive was long but a fun one.

Since I made plans to go to Manila, I had to squeeze in the hike that I wanted to go to the following week. Mare and I went to the Katerskills Mountain for a day trip hike that included an exploration of the Howe Caverns. It was a nice relaxing activity, not to strenuous. And for the price that we paid for, it was a steal.

Two weeks in the Philippines... from Tagatay to Iloilo to Cebu back to Iloilo then to Davao then a day in Manila before coming back to crazy NY. It was fun being with family. The resorts were beautiful, the food was amazing but the best part of the trip was when we get stuck in traffic be stuck in a van with each other. Oh and before I forget, the fun time we had in the middle of typhoon Frank... 4 big adults, stuck in a small cramped hotel room with two twin beds. Do the math.

And of course, since the Philippine trip was something that I didn't plan in advance, I was not able to space out the next trip. The Las Vegas trip was scheduled back in March so there was no turning back. After 6 days back in NY, I found myself flying to another time zone this time with the Duca Siblings and Basil.

The 5 of us (Me, Mare, Angel, Petey and Basil [Ang's BF]) piled in a mini van and headed to our adventure. First stop was the Gallego household. It was the most relaxing pit stop ever. Tita Langging, Tito Pabby and Rock were very gracious hosts. Thanks for the room, the food and the guided tour! The Las Vegas Trip and Phil June 2008 trip deserves another entry.

Now that I am able to bring this all out, entries for the other events should be able to make it online soon.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

New York

“There are roughly three New Yorks. There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable. Second, there is the New York of the commuter — the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night. Third, there is the New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of something. […] Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness; natives give it solidity and continuity; but the settlers give it passion." E.B. White, Here is New York

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Long Time No Hear...

... and no blog!

Yup.. it has been that long since my last entry. Over the past few months, technically since February, I've been on a non-stop, get-going, full-plate, scheduled pack days.

Right after a great vacation in the Philippines, I was swamped with work. The new program that I have been handling have been very time consuming from progress notes, job readiness, standardization of procdures etc. My first week back from the Philippines had me working late nights. In fact I was out every night of the week to market the program, to meet with student and finish up reports. Mixed into the work schedule is a healthy dose of social life from wine tasting to square dancing.

February Highlights:
Wedding, Pinas Vacation, Wine Tasting and weekend of southern cooking.

March was packed with starting a new cycle of the Jobs to Build On plus we had the start of the Gerontology Project. On top of that I had to do regular financial projects plus a Rehab program where I had to develop handouts and presentations.

March Highlights:
Day Off (just because), Belly Dancing (I watched not performed), International Easter Feast

April was the best month in terms of being busy. From flights to Charlotte which was Mare's surprise for me to work running me crazy to meet deadlines.

April Highlights:
Softball Kickoff, My Birthday, Charlotte Trip, Taxes

This month has not yet ended but have been very fruitful. From Mare moving to a new apartment to a San Francisco trip.

I'll post pictures later. For now, I shall see everybody soon with other plans lined up until September 2!!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Fw: Turning 28

In a few days this little old me will be turning 28. If you don't know me or if you think you don't know me anymore I suggest going back to 2007's entry on me turning 27.

I was in a state of contentment that I actually gave myself permission to enjoy my life. I did realize that for the past years of my life I have helped make lives of people around me better and that I needed to start living my own life on my own terms with God's grace. Within a few months into giving myself permission to enjoy life I was able to meet someone special. Someone who made me feel special. Someone who reminds me that sometimes it could be just about me.

Am I happy now? In certain aspects of my life it is a definite YES. But in some areas is a MAYBE.

Maybe this year instead of praying for peace of mind I could pray for understanding and patience. Understanding that other people see things differently and patience that it will take time for people to understand. I know deep inside that I am happy. I pray to God that people see how happy I am. Finally, to be 28 and happy. That was a long wait.

Btw: I get to go on a weekend trip down south for my birthday. Can't wait for Showmar's, Bojangels, authentic pulled pork and bbq. No one has bought me tickets for a vacation. This feels sweet.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One Big Vacation

I would say that this recent visit to Manila was something extra-ordinary. The tour of Bohol was great, laying out in the sun was wonderful, the Rico-Pearlie Wedding was a bliss, scuba diving was fun and to top it all family was at its same crazy self.

I learned a huge deal about myself, my family and my relationship with Marianne.

I learned that I can have patience when I need to and stand up for what I believe in. I learned that family protects and loves you until the end. I learned that my relationship with Mare is stronger than before. I learned that to be truly whole you need patience, principle and love. The trip was full of those virtues.

I'll post pictures soon. Until then, hello to snow and ice-cold New York.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

West Side Pistol

Last Saturday, I planned something for us to do (Marianne didn't know the plan until we got there). Something that we have not done before and you guessed right, we went to a shooting range. Hind sight, we had a stressful week at work and shooting a .22 rifle is rather relaxing. It was just me, the target and the gun. I don't advocate gun use, but in a controlled-"stay in the basement"-shooting range kind of thing, it's ok.

Marianne was nervous. I was excited. At the end, we thought we did something cool. At least having done it once. Next time, we do something else. Any suggestions?
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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Thanks for A Great 2007!

I have always believed that I have been blessed. I can not say that 2007 have been the most blessed even though it would seem like it (it's just unfair for the other years, like 1980 was a great year for me). I would describe 2007 as a very exciting, fun-filled, "I would never have done that" year. A look back in 2007.

Started my year with a lot of preparations and planning. All of this paid off. But as with God's humor in play, it is not my will but HIS. I made the plans, He says NO, GO or LETS CHANGE THAT. I was thrown a lot of curve balls this year, which I am thankful for.

Took an extra job teaching a medical assistants class at night. Pay was ok, extra cash was there to help pay the bills. It was a short but fun month.

March was a very life turning moment month. This was the month that I realized that I turn 27 years old. 3 years shy of my 30's. 3 years shy of getting geriatric. Ok, I am far from being old, but with all the things you want to do and experience, you get worried a little bit. This was the month that I gave myself permission to fail forward. To move on and experience things. Prior to this was sleepless nights wondering about nothing.

My birthday month. Nothing much to say here, but it was a crazy month so to speak.

Words can not describe the stress I had to go through this month. I have spread myself too thin... I was tired. I became a US Citizen. I didn't know I was being prepared for something great!

Friends were in town. Cafe Wha? to the rescue for an impromptu gathering. Trips with family that are always chaotic and fun. I started to do things I have not done before, like attend an art exhibit, go to a reading celebration, volunteered with and just took days off just to walk around the city. It was summer nonetheless.

Friends were in town. Had a weekend trip in Boston. Friends from Buffalo came down. Steam pipe explosion in midtown. Went to a retreat. Met new people. Met Marianne.

It was a busy month with classes that I had to teach. 2 weeks working off-site (all the way downtown!!). Shao spends a month in NY. It was also the month that I took chances in life. Chances that have been blessed.

Got my US passport. Went back to Boston for another weekend trip. Got super busy with work. Volunteered for the November 2007 BustedHalo retreat.

Got introduced to the world of Billiards and Pool. Went to AC. Celebrated my sis Jen's bday.

Attended one of the best retreats ever (well, I was part of the organizing team, so I guess I'm a little bit biased). Had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

Crazy month... from Charlotte trips, to square dancing, to bull riding (ok, I didn't ride the bull, but I did go dinner with friends in country themed restaurant and saw people getting flung out from the bull!). A crazy week towards 2008. But started off 2008 with a bang and new realizations.

Looking forward to 2008 with family and friends. To good health, happiness and love.

"Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away." -Hitch