I was going through old pictures and I came upon this picture I took back in 2004 for a photo class. I did see a lot of bad pictures but I guess that's where we learn.
Seven greatest lessons that I have learned in my 26 years of existece:
1. Family is the most important thing in the world.
2. If you put God in the middle of everything, things turn out for the best, always!
3. You can only depend on yourself; i.e. not expect others to do things for you even if they are family.
4. Friends are necessary to live a fulfilling life, but never forget about lesson #1.
5. Money is just money, but learning how to control it is very important.
6. If you put 100% in the things that you do, you can accomplish great things!
7. Change is the only constant thing in life and you got to keep up with it.