Sunday, May 07, 2006

Digirati at Stars in Stripes

I spoke with one of the organizers (yes, it was my sister!) and the event was a huge hit. In terms of advertising mileage, I guess we got a elite status. Look at all the stars, they got the DIGIRATI names!!

If you have any events that you would like on the spot IDs or even picture cards, get in touch with us, we will help make it a special day. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Take it Easy

Yesterday was Friday. Cinco de Mayo. A day of joyous revelry. Not for the first half of the day at work though. But to paraphrase Dorian, the IT guy who just happen to be in the office while everybody was venting off their angst, let go of the anger and control what you can, there are a few things that we control so enjoy it.

So for today, I can control what I can do, so I'm off to a day at the museum.
Sounds geeky, well, I am a geek. A cool geek for that matter. A geek who loves to travel, take pictures, scuba dive and of course enjoy good food. If there's another geek gal out there who shares the same interest, you'll know how to reach me. (This line sounds good, maybe I can use this for those online dating sites! hahahaha!) Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 05, 2006


I have been sleepless for the past three days until last night. I took in a complete 8 hour sleep with, I think, 3 full cycles of REM sleep.

Tomorrow is another great weekend weather wise and I'll be off the American Museum of Natural History for a day of cosmic collision, galapagos tour, darwin exhibit and of course the squid and the whale if it's still there.

It's 7:25AM, time to get ready for work.

Later. Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 01, 2006

Learn from Your Angel

I was going through old pictures and I came upon this picture I took back in 2004 for a photo class. I did see a lot of bad pictures but I guess that's where we learn.

Seven greatest lessons that I have learned in my 26 years of existece:
1. Family is the most important thing in the world.
2. If you put God in the middle of everything, things turn out for the best, always!
3. You can only depend on yourself; i.e. not expect others to do things for you even if they are family.
4. Friends are necessary to live a fulfilling life, but never forget about lesson #1.
5. Money is just money, but learning how to control it is very important.
6. If you put 100% in the things that you do, you can accomplish great things!
7. Change is the only constant thing in life and you got to keep up with it. Posted by Picasa