Saturday, May 06, 2006

Take it Easy

Yesterday was Friday. Cinco de Mayo. A day of joyous revelry. Not for the first half of the day at work though. But to paraphrase Dorian, the IT guy who just happen to be in the office while everybody was venting off their angst, let go of the anger and control what you can, there are a few things that we control so enjoy it.

So for today, I can control what I can do, so I'm off to a day at the museum.
Sounds geeky, well, I am a geek. A cool geek for that matter. A geek who loves to travel, take pictures, scuba dive and of course enjoy good food. If there's another geek gal out there who shares the same interest, you'll know how to reach me. (This line sounds good, maybe I can use this for those online dating sites! hahahaha!) Posted by Picasa

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