A moment of joy. Cherish it.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Grab a Cup of Relaxation

I took the day off and I am getting paid for it. Last week, I worked myself over the weekend. As a bonus, I get an additional 5 days PTO. I should have asked for cash, but the time off is better.
So to everybody, grab your favorite cup, pour in the drink of choice (I would not recommend spiking it with vodka) and enjoy. It is not everyday that we get to experience this silence.

Friday, July 21, 2006
Binge Eating
I just realized that me being too happy is not the only reason for my binge eating, but whenever I am so stressed and irritated, I pour it all out on food. if you see me gobble up food and not show that I am enjoying it, stay away from me. But if you see me laughing and enjoying my meal, join me for all you care.
I need calming. I need peace of mind. I think alone time needs to be scheduled. If you need me, check with my secretary. Thanks.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Is My Horoscope Telling Me Something
Currently, I am feeling down. It could be the weather. It could be the work stress. It could also be that I am swamped with roles to fill. I am in that mode once more that I wish I was living in the middle of nowhere... maybe Arkansas. Away from everybody... away from the confusion... away from conflict... away from anger and especially away from what I am feeling now.
Everybody thinks about themselves. Everybody thinks about doing things for others. Everybody thinks of doing things for other forces you to go along. Can't I for once, think about myself?
Can I go find a bum job and no one pass judgement on me. Thanks.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Feels Like...
It's Thursday and when I got in work, it felt like a Tuesday. After catching up with paper work, it now feels like a Friday!
Since I am preparing for my Manila trip this September, I have been busy going to the gym. Hopefully in two months time I'd be thin enough to stuff myself with food when I get back to Manila. That's the only reason I go and exercise, so that I can gorge on food later. Getting that beach body is I believe genetically impossible but there is no harm try to feel like achieving it, right?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
All Together Now... ohm... ohm... ohm...
Everybody is such in a hurry. Rushing to work. Taking accelarated school work. Working while on vacation. Getting into relationships for the wrong reasons. Why don't we just pause, take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.
Mets, cheese cake and friends
The Mets Museum was great. Catching up with friends over drinks and cheese cakes were superb!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Saturday in NY
Saturdays in New York is usually devoted in doing laundry, cleaning the apartment or sending out the bills. But what could be more comforting but an iced cold coffee on a warm Saturday morning.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Ever since, I have loved taking pictures. I may not be the best at it, but I continue to harness the skill.
Below are just a few of my photos taken during my intro to photoclass at Photo Manhattan. Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
July 4th Weekend
July started with friends coming over from Ohio. Technically they are
coming from Ohio but most of them were based in Manila. It's an offshore
For most of them, it was their first time to visit NY. While it was
their first in the city, there were some first for me as well. First
time to enter Bloomingdales. First time to visit the Apple Store in
Fifth Ave (would you believe, they are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, 365 days a year??!!)
I had a blast showing off New York. Even though I grew up in Manila, for
now, New York is home.
Happy 4th of July!