Those who were complaining about the cold winter months, please stand up. Go out and enjoy your heat wave. As for me, I'd be very happy in my air conditioned room. No humidty. No heat.
Going to work during these months can be very dragging. You'd want to take you time walking or you'd be looking like a gym rat after a 30 minute run on the threadmill. I don't even feel like dressing up in work cloths. If I can only come to work in shorts and flipflops and a shirt, I would love to do it. I would even love it more if I can work from home for atleast the next three days.
One of my many goals this time of the year is to simplify. Sort out some stuff. Enjoy the simple things in life. The heat wave could be helping. I have been simplifying my dining experience, nutrisystem has been beneficial and cheap. I have cut down on TV. I only now watch Hell's Kitchen on Mondays and two dvds utmost during the weekends. I would tune in to the news but not finish it so I can go to bed before 11 at night.
I have started to be very diligent about bringing in a water bottle at work, that cuts me down to atleast $6 a week. That is $24 a month, that's $288 a year! That's not counting the money I save when I don't buy soda.
Simplification is good.
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