Over the past few Sundays, I have been attending a church in Manhattan. I've been waking up late on Sunday mornings but have been looking forward to the trip to the city for mass. I guess it has something to do with having "to do" the mass rather than going with the routine of just hearing mass.
Over the past few days there have been tons of things that have been developing without me knowingly is happening. Some of them I'd rather keep to myself until I get a concrete plan about it. There are still hurdles that I have to cross, but I am seeing the checkered flag at least.
Taking aside from Father Dave's sermon (yup, I know the priest personally that attended over last Sunday's preaching) of hope. Hope really does creep in from everything if you only know how to identify them.
On a lighter note, Heroes have been one of the multiple shows that I have been TiVo-ing the past few months... It got a lot of great characters... Great story line and of course that "ugh" feel when they flash "to be continued..." Sort of brings that inner kid in me. They have saved the cheerleader, but what's next... That we need to find out next week.
PS: I did say that my Ipod died on me yesterday... miracoulously it was revived from Apple heaven. My trip to Albany next week won't be as quite as I dreaded it to be. So here goes to my 5 hour travel time.
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