Thursday, October 14, 2010

I’ll be damned. I’m a man…

Read on this link... I’ll be damned. I’m a man…

For the past few weeks, I'd come home and tell my wife, "I can't believe that I'm 30!".

Ever since the wedding (about 3 months ago), it feels like a stamp of approval was handed to me and told me that you are now mature, older, wiser... a man.

In my line of work, especially when I started in 2001, it was pretty difficult to taken seriously. First impression would be, "Where did they get this college intern to do this kind of work?" Even now, as I manage trainers who are "older" than me, I get the same response when I go sit in and review their seminars.

In two months, I would complete my nine years of working where I am. I've grown from, "The young kid who'd take on any assignment we give him, so send him to do training in Buffalo for 6 weeks without advance notice." to "The one in charge of training and discuss with him the client's needs and see what he recommends."

I pray that I as I get more "responsibilities" that I still keep that young optimistic attitude that I had when I started my first class in December 2001.