Monday, July 23, 2007

Top Ten Things About My Weekend at Oak Ridge, NJ

10. Great weather.
9. Beautiful Lake.
8. Sumptuous food.
7. Introduction to Facebook by Chris.
6. Brownies c/o Ruth.
5. Intellectually simulating conversations.
4. Book suggestions by Sarah and Becca.
3. Silence.
2. Met great people who are now great friends.
1. Spiritually re-charged.

Busted Halo Retreat - Summer 2007

This would have been my fourth young adults' retreat since I crossed paths with Busted Halo and the Paulist Young Adult Ministry. Though every retreat experience is different and great things have been taken from every moment of the weekend, this last one is by far the best experience I have ever had in retreats.

From the great discussion with my small groups, to dinner conversations about NY housing problems and Lindsey Lohan's stint at the rehab, the weekend was a satisfying fill physically, emotionally and spiritually. The only thing I pray is for everybody to find its significance outside of Oak Ridge, NJ. There have been talks on extending the retreat over coffee or a small "seekers' wii reunion" and I truly wish this would happen. Living in the bustle and hustle of NYC, everybody needs reminding from time to time.

I believe this would be the first time that genuine connections were made. From acts of kindness and support such as a book suggestion and a raspberry brownie to take home for the trip.

To everybody who was there, thanks for a great weekend. Though you may not know it, the words, ideas and acts of friendships will be treasured forever.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Boston, Connecticut, Steam Pipes and a Retreat

I took a a few days away from work to show friends around NY. It was a tiring but a worthwhile experience. I get to enjoy the city that I love and learn a few more things about what ticks inside of me.

As part of my friends' NY trip, we headed to Boston for a day. It was great experience being able to walk around Boston and seeing the sights just through Internet download-able guides and maps and a Bostonian friend on the phone to give suggestions for great eats. Technically, we stayed in Boston for like 12.5 hours, got in at 7:30AM and left at 8:00. All went well according to our plans except for the duck tours. Tickets were sold out once we got ourselves to the Museum of Science. Still, it was a great trip. Their NY trip ended with Coney Island the day before they went back to MN.

The following weekend, I found myself back in Connecticut. Swim. Eat. Sleep. Eat. Swim. Eat. Eat. Eat. Aside from that, we saw the Harry Potter movie then back to sleeping and eating. It was a relaxing weekend so to say. If the trip could be shorter, I could find myself there every weekend.

Work was slowing down this week. I was quite busy the first two days but slowed down drastically. Had dinner with friends who came down from Buffalo, NY at Sammy's Tuesday night. I learned that I got used to sleeping in early, I was so dead tired when I got home at 11PM.

Wednesday was a quiet day until this big rumbling and thundering sound from a steam pipe explosion created chaos at 43rd St and Lexington Avenue. It was far from where I was, but it was like watching a movie. Steam was rising that it was visible from where I live in Queens. As of this morning, it has quieted down, lets just pray for the one who died and those hurt.

Today, my boss walks in our office and goes on with her daily "how are you, here's what happened to me spiel". I was glad to have listened. She tells us that we start our summer hours, that I get to leave work at 3PM! Whoo-hoo!! I can now go to the gym after work (less crowded at 3 than 4 or 5) and with less work for the next two weeks for me, I get to study for my GMAT.

Tomorrow, I get to kick off my weekend with a trip to Oak Ridge, NJ for a retreat. It would be my first time to attend a summer retreat, so I have to bring my camera and hopefully take pictures of mother nature. I believe there are bears and deers around the vicinity.

That's a wrap. I'll try to post something when I get back Sunday. Until then...

Thursday, July 05, 2007