Thursday, December 07, 2006


I'm no medical expert but at 4:29AM and my mind being alert as "daylight", it could be insomia. As I googled the symptoms and cures of insomia I found out that stress is a major contributing factor to sleeplessness. It could be good stress, e.g., getting a huge raise or bad stress, e.g. not having a job. Both examples are crossed out from my checklist. So what the heck is bothering me?

As I start this second paragraph, I get a yawn. I guess this could provide a clue to my insomia.

Earlier, at around 10:30PM, I started to get sleepy. As I lay down in bed, I simply start to think about things. Nothing bad, but useless junk: re-arranging the layout of the living room., changing my voucher logging methods, creating a database for a "personal" project, buying a small tv for my room, planning for the future, visualizing future conferences, talking to future clients. See, I told you they were junk... random stuff.

Then I decided to count sheeps. I started counting, imaginging sheeps jumping over the fence. Cliche right? Anyways, as I count, I started to paint and get into the details of the sheeps, the color and make of the fence, the grass, the mountain in the background. I thensuddenly changed my counting perspective and turned the entire thing into a comic strip, a two-dimensional drawing. That didn't work and I was just on my 18th sheep.

I went earlier to upstate New York in Albany and the hypnothizing series of lamposts as my train passed by made me sleepy so I decided to count lamp post. Again, my wild imagination brought me to counting lamposts of different designs and from different time periods. I ended up counting up to 8.

I decided to now use an eye mask. That made me still for awhile. But not asleep. As I toss and turn, I accidentally touched the end of the bed that meets the bench beside my bed. An idea came to my mind to move my bed farther from the heater which made me stand up. Which brought me to making up my bed, turning on the light then turning on the pc and logging onto blogger.

Let me try to get at least an hour of sleep before I wake up. At least today's my day off, I can relax.

Sorry for the rant people, I just want to release some tension and do something.

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