Thursday, January 04, 2007

2007 Goals

Before I realized that 2007 is just around the corner, I have been eyeing on going back to school to get an MBA. When I realized that 2007 is just a week away, I started to visualize my 5 month plan to get that MBA. I have picked out my school, planned when to take my GMAT, planned when to take vacation before plunging into studies etc.

I still want to go back to school, but the first step towards it is finding a way to finance it. This leads to my biggest goal for 2007: to be debt free. I had my share of frivolous expenses, i.e. trips, eating out, gadgets which I don't regret since I did enjoy them some of which I am still enjoying. Not to rationalize them but I learned my mistake and is willing to face the music.

With that said here are my ten goals for 2007:
1. Debt free. I have created a plan, and if I stick to it I would be debt free by March 2008 that includes a savings account.
2. Take my GMAT. Test scores are valid for three years, so I take my GMAT this year and enroll in school next year.
3. Manage time (myself) better.
4. Create a place for everything, i.e. be more organized.
5. Be more consistent spiritually, i.e. going to Mass not just on Sundays but during the week as well.
6. Be more positive in my words and action, especially at work.
7. Finish one book a month.
8. Keep up with blogging. I may not be good as those novelist, however, it helps improve me more.
9. Dress for success. For the past year, I would come to the office in jeans and whatnot, but I realized that I should always be dressing for success even if I am stuck behind the desk all day. You'll never know who you will meet.
10. Consistently go to the gym. I did my first morning workout, it felt great!
11.See this list everyday so I may do more than expected. I had to start now, that is the reason for the 11th entry.

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